SEO Consulting Services

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of attempting to increase a website's search engine presence for a number of targeted keywords.  Since Google controls the majority of the market share, the primary focus is put on monitoring and optimizing for their rankings.

The Google search algorithm evolves over time and constantly changes.  Recent updates, including Panda 4.0 and PayDay Loans 2.0, shifted rankings to focus on higher-quality content.  Google is trying to provide the most relevant results, so focusing on "becoming" that best result is the long-term plan.

Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics can help monitor rankings and improve your SEO campaigns.  GWT recently improved their search query reporting to help provide better marketing intelligence.  You can track search queries, volumes, and average rankings.

Overall strategy can be guided by an SEO consultant.  Years ago it was much easier to build lots of bad links and manipulate rankings (black hat strategies), but now these methods are becoming increasingly ineffective. Effective SEO strategies are now a blend of good PR and a knowledgeable SEO background.  It isn't about building thousands of bad links, it's about building a few good ones.

Long-term success is the name of the game in the SEO industry now.  With a strategic, white-hat focus on building PR and rankings, the risk of penalization is reduced and can withstand constant updates from Google.